Kappu To Bōru (カップ[sic]とボール)
Outline of Regular Routine (一般の演技の筋)
The Following Regular Routine (一般の演技の順序は次の如し)
Basics of Techniques by Hands (小手先の技術の基本的なもの)
1, Way to Hide One Ball in Your Palm (一、一個の球を掌に隠す方法)
2, Way to Reappear your Palmed Ball (二、パームした球を指先に再び現はす事)
3, Way to Appear the Ball from Magic Wand (三、奇術棒から球に生み出させる事)
4, Way to Put the Ball Back to Magic Wand (四、棒に球を戻す方法)
5, Way to Put the Ball under the Cup Secretly (五、球を密にコップの下に入れる方法)
6, Way to Pretend to Put the Ball under the Cup (六、コップの下に球を入れる動作の眞似をする方法)
7, Way to Vanish the Ball inside Two Cups (七、二個のコップの間に入れた球を消失させる方法)
8, Way to Vanish Three Balls inside Two Cups (八、二個のコップの間に入れた三個の球を消失させる方法)
9, Way to Put the Big Ball inside the Cup Secretly (九、一個の大きな球を一個のコップの中に密に入れる方法)
10, Way to Penetrate the Cups Each Other (十、一個のコップをして他のコップの中を通抜けさせる方法)
Introduction with Patter (紹介口上)
Another Patter (替口上)
Performance with One Ball (without using fake ball) (一個の球に依る演技(僞の球を使用せず))
Performance with Two Balls (without using extra) (二個の球による演技[sic](替球使用せず))
Performance with Three Balls (without using extra) (三個の球に依る演技(替球使用せず))
Performance with Three Balls and Extra (三個の球と替球による演技)
Magic and Props for Big Ball (大きな球の奇術と器具)
1, Way to Change the Small Ball to the Big Ball (1、小さい球を大きく変へる事)
2, Way to Change the Cotton Ball Bigger (2、変つた布球をもっと大きな球に変へる事)
3, Way to Change Three Balls to Potato (3、三個の大きな布球を馬鈴薯に変へる事)
4, Three Small Cork Balls and Three Extras (4、三個の小さいコルク球と三個の替球)
5, Variation with Gimmicked Cup (5、特別のコップに依る結合)
6, Way to Change Three Balls to One Egg (6、三個の球が一個の卵に変る事)
Routine with Six Balls (六個の球による手順)
7, Way to Penetrate One Ball through Each Cups (7、一個の球をコップを貫いて各コップに通はせる事)
8, Way to Assemble Three Balls to C Cup (8、三個の球を續いてCコップの中に通はせる事)
9, With Six Balls-Method One (9、六個の球に依る結合(其の一))
10, With Six Balls-Method Two (10、六個の球に依る結合(其の二))
11, Way to Assemble Three Balls under the Cup on Center, and Vanish Each Balls inside the Cups (11、三個の球を中央のコップの下へ通はせる事、及各コップの下から一個宛の球を取り去る事)
12, Way to Ditch Two Balls (12、二個の球を始末をつける事)
13, Way to Change the Color of Ball inside the Cup (13、コップの下の球の色を変へる事)
14, Special Method with Three Balls and Extra (三個の球と替球による特別の方法)
- Name: No.2 Koppu To Bōru (コップとボール)
- Issue: No. 2
- Year: n/a
- Publisher: never published
- Writer: n/a (Matsuda, Shōtarō?)
- Pages: 74 (not numbered)
- Type: Manuscript
- Courtesy: Ton Onosaka Collection