[Photo] Tina Lenert’s Eyeballs Act on NTV

Overview A photo of Tina Lenert’s “Eyeballs Act”, performed for the 35th anniversary of NTV special “Super-Wonder! This is the Magician of the World!” (超不思議!これが世界のマジシャンだ!), from the photo collection presented…

[Photo] Fukai & Kimika in 1985 FISM

Overview A photo of “Fukai & Kimika” after they won the second place of 1985 FISM Madrid at the General Magic category.. From left to right, Setsuko Onosaka, Hiromasa Fukai,…

[Photo] 2014 FISM ASIA Award Ceremony

Overview A photo of the award ceremony at FISM Asia, held in Incheon, Korea, on November 2, 2014, with Lu Chen (right), Yuji Yasuda (middle), and Kim Juno (right). Information

[Photo] Lance Burton’s Unpublished Act

Overview A photo of Lance Burton enjoying sightseeing in Tokyo, Japan. It was probably taken when he was invited for the 4th Japanese Close-up Grand Prix (日本クロースアップ大賞), held by MagicLand…

[Photo] Denden’s Unforgettable Debut

Overview A photo of the performance by Denden (伝々) in the 8th MagicPot Convention 2013, held in Okayama. In contract to his former comical performances, his serious performance of paper…